Monday, September 21, 2015

Our Global Year story, with a side of honey mustard

About three and a half years ago, Lauren and I went to lunch after church. Most of our conversations after church start with, “So what did you think about the sermon?” The sermon this Sunday, was about having a vision for your family. This was language and a thought process that was completely foreign to me. I was at a complete loss, so of course, I attempted to beat Lauren to the weekly question of “What did you think?” in order to buy myself some time to come up with a really spiritual answer. After she shared some thoughts with where we were as a family, in terms of vision, I had to come clean; I had no vision for us. Don’t get me wrong, we had a good marriage, both had great jobs, lived in a nice house, and oh, there was a baby on the way! Isn’t that what the whole “American Dream” is supposed to be??  We were at a loss as to where to go, but knew there was more to raising our family and just pursuing what our culture says would bring fulfillment and happiness. It boiled down to us asking ourselves this question over Zaxby’s Chicken Fingers - “If you had never gotten married, and little Nelson wasn’t on the way, what would you be doing today?”  Both of our answers were centered around foreign missions.  That question resulted in another – if Missions was something that was important to both of us, why aren’t we more involved with it now?  Well, those chicken fingers started us on a journey over the next 4 years that has totally changed our lives. For one of the first times in our marriage, we had the beginning of a vision for our family.

We started praying and talking to people around us that had experience with raising a family on the mission field. We dreamt together, started praying for and giving to mission organizations that we cared about, and researched a TON of mission boards. We had the privilege of talking with a missions coach who we knew from college, who showed such care and compassion for our pursuit of this "calling." We came to realize that everyone is called to some sort of "mission," at their school, work, or in another category. It took a few years, but it finally became clear to us through many conversations with trusted mentors and friends, and much prayer, that we might be in the "other" category. The Spirit continued to confirm this as we made the commitment this past December of 2014 to walk towards full-time missions as long as doors kept opening, and it was like God turned on the firehose. 

Not only did doors open, but it was almost comical how clear God made this to us (I think he knows we are a little slow sometimes). At first, we were a little stuck on which mission board to pursue. One day, I emailed an old youth pastor (who by the way, started a mission board) about our journey and he called me the next day because he happened to be driving through Greenville and wanted to meet up. Johnny and I met the next day and he clearly laid out a vision for the mission board he had started and Lauren and I were all ears. We felt that the vision and mission of this board, Global Year, aligned with our gifts and passion, it was all we could think about until we finally decided to apply. We were accepted by the board the next week.

After that, we decided to put our house on the market and we had a contract, over asking price, two days later. Oh and the buyer asked to buy all of our furniture, interesting huh? 

We needed to learn how to do this thing missionaries call "support raising," and we found out about a class that offered everything we had big questions about - is it Biblical?, do we have to live as beggars now?, and how exactly do you do this practically? The only problem was, the class was in San Francisco for two days and that's not an easy trip to make when you have jobs, a family, and a budget that's about to drastically change. Lauren looked at her Delta miles and hilton points and saw she was able to book the tickets and hotel nights for the exact amount of time and get the exact flights that we needed - over $1500 in travel expense. Hmm, could it be a coincidence? No, we believe God has His hand in all of these things.

We have so much to praise our Father for and we know this journey will not be easy, but we're thankful it's been in His plan and we're excited to share how He leads us.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Does this thing still work?? I may be ready to start back the ol blog, I guess the name should be changed to team nelson plus TWO!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


My prayer:

Lord give me strength to comprehend your love
Enable me to see beyond my today
Help me by your spirit to do your will
Give me grace when I fail, mis-step, mis-speak, and forget
Show me where and to whom I can minister to that I may cease to focus on me
Remind me that my future is not in a role or a season, but in a kingdom everlasting
Most of all, give me wisdom to know and submit to You
You alone are good.

Thank you for reminding me I have a blog and can even use it to bring my heart and mind close to you on a very frustrating day.

I am a new mom, I am still working in a job that I can't define, I'm sitting at panera wondering why I'm  here (besides of course the delish bagels and coffee),and I am still thinking of me too much. That is all, and God is good.

Praise God for this Word today

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

We have a name!

We have a name! Rosalie Joy Nelson. I've received many comments that this name should ensure the happiest baby on the block, I sure hope so. The most dreaded part of sharing a name is being able to weather the squinched up noses, eyebrow raises, or "'re sure that's the name?" Yup... we're sure. We'll end up calling her Rosie for short, but as she grows she may want to be called something more "mature," Rosalie or Rose, also beautiful in my opinion.

Besides nailing down a name, we had a pretty quiet labor day weekend. We did get to christen the new covered patio with our sweet neighbors and found out we can create a personal steam room if you use the grill and run the fan at the same time. We'll probably invest in a little stoned space beside the patio (not underneath the roof) for the grill sometime in the near future. Saturday was quiet and I spent most of the afternoon cleaning out cabinets and drawers for my pretend yard sale. Derek finds it amusing that I have half of the guest room filled with items for my "yard sale" that I'm not sure I will ever have. Maybe I'll look into one of those virtual yard sales!

On Sunday we went to Holly and Jamie's wedding up at Table Rock. It was such a beautiful ceremony and maybe one of the first weddings I've actually cried at (hormones!!). The whole theme of the wedding was no doubt God's faithfulness to His people. I've had the privalege to serve with Holly in student ministry the past two years. During that time I witnessed this wonderful work of the Lord in a late 30-something woman who was making peace and resting in the fact that the Lord may not provide a husband for her and what it looked like to rely on Him to meet every need of intamacy she longed for in a marriage relationship. Holly met Jamie through a mutual friend this past year and I believe found this common thread in him, what a foundation to start a marriage on! I think Holly would tell you, wether or not God ever provided a husband for her, He has been faithful to meet her every need...I am beyond excited to be able to continue to witness the love story He is writing for her and the ministry she and Jamie will be able to have. Praise God for the "stories" of His people, how He so intricately writes them to capture our hearts and leave us no other choice but to worship Him.

Yesterday we rode with James, Erin, and Eden down to Chapin to spend our Labor day with family at the lake. I was feeling the love from my "Aunt" Jeannine who made her famous strawberry cake and layered salad "just for me!" She definitely knows the way to a pregnant woman's heart. I just love spending time with this side of my family, it's awesome that we aren't itching to leave before the food is digested and will stick around to play games and hang out long after the food is gone. It's still hard to believe that I'm no longer sitting at the "kids" table but am actually the one about to have a kid myself, I hope Rosie likes the strawberry cake and layered salad as much as I always have.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Summer Blessings

How did the summer get away so quickly? Oh well, so long! I'm ready for fall! It truly is the best season and I can't be happier I will be my biggest during the cooler weather (hopefully cooler weather). Before it's time for apple picking (which hopefully will take place this weekend!) it wouldn't be right to move on to cute fall fashion for preggos (leggings, yay!) and posting ideas about painting my belly as a pumpkin or something crazy for Halloween without recounting this summer's top memories and blessings. 

1. We have a healthy baby girl on the way, she is surely growing!
12 weeks...
And now 20 weeks (how did even my nose get bigger?)...

2. Derek and I have taken full advantage of this season to rest and enjoy our time together before baby comes. Besides napping almost everyday and eating out most meals (yikes!), we got to cross off two things on my bucket list, going to see Coldplay and seeing Lion King on broadway. Both are life time memories.

Glow bracelets at Coldplay that were programmed to light up at different points in the concert, amazing show!
"Remember who you are!"

3. We have some of the best family, friends, neighbors, and church family. I have been so encouraged by numerous acts of kindness, uplifting words, and sweet memories I've had with many of them. The Lord has truly showered out his goodness towards us through these people.

This is our "son" Thomas (that's his prized sail boat behind us) who lived with us this summer while he was an intern for the church. We see the Lord working greatly in him and many other college students giving up their lives for the sake of the gospel.
Some of the junior small group girls before Zumba, "It's ok, we're not baptist..." :) These girls are so precious to me!
Girls weekend to Charleston with some of my very best friends. This photo was taken at Husk, a restaurant that lived up to all the hype (you can't get reservations there unless you call a month ahead, but somehow - we just walked in, thank you Lord) and a memory of eating on the porch of this historic building during a storm that we will not soon forget!
We got to spend a weekend with this sweet girl, my niece Eden! A definite highlight of my summer.

4. I wanted to include a mention about "nesting" here because I have been in awe of how the Lord is providing for this baby. Not only have we been given so many practical hand-me-downs by our family (crib, swing, changing table, bumbo seat, bobby, etc etc!) but Derek and I have been able to refinance our home, saving about $300/mo, and the money that we saved to cover our outdoor patio we can now continue to save because our builder decided to give us the covering as a baby gift. Talk about provision! I have a feeling the Lord has a bigger plan for us than pouring money into this house and baby stuff, I'll keep everyone updated on that.

5. As a recovering baptist, I swore never to do another Beth Moore bible study. But through God's absolutely PERFECT timing and grace towards me, he placed a group of sweet women from my community in my life and a study of Esther in my hands. The main themes I've been living on this summer: 
  • I'm responsible for the what, God is responsible for the how. 
  • "Do not fear" is the most commonly given command in the Bible. Lord ~ may my decisions be made in the power of your spirit and not in the spirit of "what if?"
  • As much as I'd like to see miraculous events occur in my everyday life, the fact that God is in the everyday, "mundane" things is an absolute miracle. 
  • We don't serve a God of coincidences. 
  • The Lord covers me with dignity, He doesn't take it. His plans are for my wholeness a.k.a He is in the business of giving life, not taking it away.
  • In the famous words of Mordecai "Who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” A jammed pack sentence, but my friend Beth said it best "Who knows?" turns into "I know." in light of God's revealing Himself to us. He truly delights in doing that, you know?
Oh Beth, as much as I hate it, you've become a dear friend of mine! You and your crazy Texas hair!

6. Derek and I have been asked to lead a community group in our church. You know the thing about coincidences? Well, it was not a coincidence that I was going through the Esther study as we prayed and sought wisdom about this big decision. Our fear was timing, but the Spirit lead us down a path of confirmation and peace that now is the time! Sometimes it's a whisper, but this one was a loud, clear affirmation sent by the Lord to those who we trust and respect as leaders. Absolute wonder probably comes the closest to describing why He might entrust us with this huge responsibility. Not only is our group comprised of 95% those our senior, we are only going on a 26-30 year life span of wisdom! He knows that, right??? We are trusting that we took responsibility of the What? and He will take care of the How? So Lord, How will this work with a newborn? How will we shepherd your children? How will we fit everyone in our living room?? Ok that is all my How? questions for now, the good news is, I'm not responsible for answering them! Praise God!